Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Modular Madness Crit

MY piece could have been made with another material, thou it possibly could be more difficult. I chose chess pieces beacuse each piece has a bottom indent that can be use to perfectly attach the other piece of chess. Each piece also complements and gives a feel of a chess match beacuse the pieces are the same yet the form is different.

THe chess pieces were extreamly difficult to work with. They all had to be sanded and it was if each set of pieces that were attached had a different weight and required a different method of glueing to supposrt it. The glue i used ranged from Super glue, gorilla, hot glue, cement, and purple glue.

The two biggest things i learned is that glass wants to be glass and smooth surfaces have nothing to attach to. I leared alot of thing when it comes to handleing glass. In addition, i learned how the different types of glue respond to weight and how well it holds. Last, I learned that combining certain types of glue with or without a heating source creates an even stronger bind.

The idea of giving off a chandlier form with the glass chess pieces stayed strong throught out the process of creating. It was very difficult in creating because of the weight the fragileness of the chess pieces. Each piece needed to be sanded to allow it to stick more with the glue and then the weight of the glued sets needed to be adjusted to stay in place and hang.

Beaucse off the difficulty faced in the process of creating the form and t he choice of material not being changed, it made the project very ambitious.

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