Wednesday, March 2, 2011

100 UNcomfortable things

Hearing someone use the restroom
Someone waiting for me to use the restroom
Someone walking in on me in the restroom
Walking in on someone in the restroom
Watching people eat
Someone watching me eat
being around someone weird
Sharing with someone you barely know
sleep under someone in a bunk bed
seeing someone really dirty
seeing someone pick there nose
seeing someone have something in there nose
staring at someone
somone staring at me
watching someone trying to so somethig your doing
watching someone who is bad at dancing
hearing someone who is bad at singing
listening to a conversation uninteresting to me
Listening to someone talk about something serious and i dont care
sitting next to really obease people at the movies
Being around someone you dont like
waiting for your significant other to text you
your signifcant other not texting you
Hearing the most annoying voice talk to you
being around someone who stinks
Listening to a song recomended to you, and you hate it
Watching ducks waddole
really long finger nails
really long hair on a guy
extreamly short hair on a girl
being around someone with a disability
someone whos clothes dont match
weird looking shoes
being around someone who thinks they know it all
someone who keeps trying to look at you
people who chew tobacoo, yuk.
people with yellow teeth
watching someone eat your favoirte candy
someone who talks and always makes a weird repeating gesture
someone with a really low cut shirt and cant pull it off
guys boxers hanging out of their pants
poeple who leave the tag of their clothes
people who treat you like a baby
people who belittle you
people who smell bad
someone who is really quite
someone who is really bad at stuff
people who put their stuff on my stuff
people who invae my space
people with weird habbits
people who pick their nose
people who pick at pimples
people who pick a scabs
people with ugly hands
people with really bad handwritting, i cant read it....
dead animals droping on my head
spiders in the bath
mold in the fridge
cockaroches in the house
rats in the house
too cold
too hot
too humid
too dark
too bright
turnign things in late
turing things in early
spilling ketchup on my pants
drinking warm water
meeting your boyfriends ex girl friends
hearing about your boyfriends exgirlfriend
being an ex girlffriend and still like the boy
trash smell
people with really small feet
people with huge feet
people skinny as a stick
people who pick their wedgies
free style dancing
peopel who close their eyes when they talk
people who dont look at you when they talk
people who dont pay attention when your talking
people who act annoying

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