Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
50 words - 10 props per. - 500 Total
Pain:Lacrylic pastels oils brush comb blow dryer sofa newspaper pillow
Nasty:spray paint bald cap costume mustache bra panties trap cutouts
Cringe:Laundry clothes ladder tee pipes pvc capings silicon snake music
Terrify:robber bad mask blind fold pub dollars stones moon stars
Disusting:glow in the dark kiddy pool mattress brakes knobs tire pottery pots diapers napkins
Dressy:glass sports slide railing cedar plank treated wood CDs mp3
Cassual:cookie pizza supply stuff crafting stuff taillights boat straps billboard
strapy: mud keys pictures patches hair latex skin sculpting mud puddy overwhelming
Disease:Balloon car parts screws light glue marbles eyes clay paint
Bloody:cement signs lights handles tassels sticker tow tire rubber bolts
Man: plywood nails hammer wood paper water cardboard electrical cord lamps
Dirty: trees plugs dog cat fish coke bottle cell phone pen purse
Stinky:handbook note book necklace shirt shorts jeans snot dookie poop
Awkward:wires cup holder sand bad rocks pebbles toys ball trucks
Stupid: mud keys pictures patches hair latex skin sculpting mud puddy
Ugly:cookie pizza supply stuff crafting stuff taillights boat straps billboard
Pretty:fastfood apartment model legos playdough watch running shoes flipflops heels
Shiny:writing cigarettes beer bottle led lights mini tap on lights clap on lights paint tattoos airbrush
feeling:acrylic pastels oils brush comb blow dryer sofa newspaper pillow
Mark Making Crit
Some negitive feedback i need to improve on is craft and the overlooking some details that could have really strengthen the piece. Tape could be seen at certain angles, the pieces backing was also able to be seen at angles. Beacuse of the shape, color, and texture this piece should not be shown at all times. For example, holloween would be a bad time, the meaning would be lost. It would come off as spider web looking or a witches broom shape. With out the story the sense of the piece could be found confusing.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Photo Assingment
The relationship probly didn't exsist when the picture taken. The photographer probly was attracted to the idea of a having a relationship and decided to take the picture. The picture is effected in away that when the photographer edited the photo she probly was trying to give it a dream of fantasy like feel to it. Something like a captured memory. The subjects probly did'nt realize they where being photographed until the picture was gien to them, thus strengthed the idea of a captured memory beaucse the time the and place the picture was taken did not have a special meaning untill it was capture and given to the subjects as gift. Ths photo is special because it is of both i and my significant other. it was taken for pure satsifation on bpth parts of the subjects and photographers. It is intended to be viewed as perosnal photo, only special to the subjects and i will keep this picture for longer then ten years.
I choose this beacuse i once knew her, she was an ex-girlfriend to my dad. I found it interesting that after 7 years of never seeing her we ended up having an almost identical hair cut.
The relationship of the two was purly business, a business man and a amature model. i kept it because i was surprised to see my dads ex-girlfriends. It was taken probly to help promote both the model and the photographer.I t was meant to be viewed by possible model organizations for a short period of time time due to the constant changes in the fashion industry.I don't think the picture will be remembered becauses i will never have this haircutt again.
3 Metaphors
a bird cage Front: beautiful, girly, femine Back: Dirty, broken, breached, secretive
Symbolizing somone who has lived a very sheltred life and has a feaar of breaking fear so instead the person (bird) breaks out through the back and the the persons real self is showe. The person is not at all like the front of the bird cage ( the perfect child) but instead the person keeps secrets , explores both the ugly and beauty of the world (the back of the cage).
2) Voice in a box
a decorative box , once opened there is a surprise.
The box would symbolize again the person and what the family expects of the peereson but once open there is a sound chip playing an awfull sound. That show that the prson is not happy with what is expected and just wants to break free from thosewalls.
3) box on the outside is different on the inside
Along the same lines as 1 and 2. The outside of the bo will be decorated with mini symbols . self explanitory. Again, the outside is what is epected but when opened, there is broken glass showing that things are not what they look like. I will add addtional symbols if needed to strengthen the meaning.
List of Sensations
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
100 UNcomfortable things
Someone waiting for me to use the restroom
Someone walking in on me in the restroom
Walking in on someone in the restroom
Watching people eat
Someone watching me eat
being around someone weird
Sharing with someone you barely know
sleep under someone in a bunk bed
seeing someone really dirty
seeing someone pick there nose
seeing someone have something in there nose
staring at someone
somone staring at me
watching someone trying to so somethig your doing
watching someone who is bad at dancing
hearing someone who is bad at singing
listening to a conversation uninteresting to me
Listening to someone talk about something serious and i dont care
sitting next to really obease people at the movies
Being around someone you dont like
waiting for your significant other to text you
your signifcant other not texting you
Hearing the most annoying voice talk to you
being around someone who stinks
Listening to a song recomended to you, and you hate it
Watching ducks waddole
really long finger nails
really long hair on a guy
extreamly short hair on a girl
being around someone with a disability
someone whos clothes dont match
weird looking shoes
being around someone who thinks they know it all
someone who keeps trying to look at you
people who chew tobacoo, yuk.
people with yellow teeth
watching someone eat your favoirte candy
someone who talks and always makes a weird repeating gesture
someone with a really low cut shirt and cant pull it off
guys boxers hanging out of their pants
poeple who leave the tag of their clothes
people who treat you like a baby
people who belittle you
people who smell bad
someone who is really quite
someone who is really bad at stuff
people who put their stuff on my stuff
people who invae my space
people with weird habbits
people who pick their nose
people who pick at pimples
people who pick a scabs
people with ugly hands
people with really bad handwritting, i cant read it....
dead animals droping on my head
spiders in the bath
mold in the fridge
cockaroches in the house
rats in the house
too cold
too hot
too humid
too dark
too bright
turnign things in late
turing things in early
spilling ketchup on my pants
drinking warm water
meeting your boyfriends ex girl friends
hearing about your boyfriends exgirlfriend
being an ex girlffriend and still like the boy
trash smell
people with really small feet
people with huge feet
people skinny as a stick
people who pick their wedgies
free style dancing
peopel who close their eyes when they talk
people who dont look at you when they talk
people who dont pay attention when your talking
people who act annoying
Monolouge Crit
I expiremented with filming me in one minute eating as much pizza as possible.
i did another ranting about a table mate.
and then another about Zombie attack.
The zombie seemed to be the most interesting. I took the setting to a dark kitched, empty nothing special except for a red clock to tell time. I explained what was going and how long i have been alive, then a zombie preceeds to attack.
I needed to take many takes to get the dialogue correct. Also, beacuse i knew who was playing the zombie, i struggled to keep a stright face while he acted silly.
I had to make multipple takes as well to fix the lighting and really make a webcam like monolouge.